Download 1.9.6

Download 1.9.6-RELEASE.txt

# CRP Gateway


> v1.9.6

### Upgrade Steps

* Refer to CRP Gateway Patching Guide v1.0 or above

### New Features

### Bug Fixes

### Improvements

### Other Changes

* TU Specification v3.0.6 Updates

Download 1.9.5

Download 1.9.5-RELEASE.txt

# CRP Gateway


> v1.9.5

### Upgrade Steps

* Refer to CRP Gateway Patching Guide v1.0 or above

### New Features

### Bug Fixes

* Fix Data File Processing Result Notification & Credit Report Enquiry Acceptance Notification cannot be put into SFTP server caused by filename duplication

### Improvements

### Other Changes

Download 1.9.4

Download 1.9.4-RELEASE.txt

# CRP Gateway


> v1.9.4

### Upgrade Steps

* Refer to CRP Gateway Patching Guide v1.0 or above

### New Features

### Bug Fixes

* Fix Data File Processing Result Notification cannot be downloaded if the data file is submitted by CRA portal

### Improvements

### Other Changes

Download 1.9.3

Download 1.9.3-RELEASE.txt

# CRP Gateway


> v1.9.3

### Upgrade Steps

* Refer to CRP Gateway Patching Guide v1.0 or above

### New Features

### Bug Fixes

* Fixed CS15 error (false alarm) occurred since 1.8.0 during initial data load submission

### Improvements

### Other Changes

Download 1.9.2

Download 1.9.2-RELEASE.txt

# CRP Gateway


> v1.9.2

### Upgrade Steps

* Refer to CRP Gateway Patching Guide v1.0 or above

### New Features

### Bug Fixes

* Fixed Credit Report downloaded from CRP not decrypting before saving into shared folder

### Improvements

* Decrypt the PMDS prescribed consent list and withdrawal of prescribed consent list before saving into shared folder

### Other Changes

Download 1.9.0

Download 1.9.0-RELEASE.txt


Be careful the BREAKING change need to applied to database schema before applying patch. And please check the DB name before apply database schema


Be careful the BREAKING change need to applied to database schema before applying patch. And please check the DB name before apply database schema

# CRP Gateway


> v1.9.0

### Upgrade Steps

* Refer to CRP Gateway Patching Guide v1.0 or above

### New Features

* Display the following notifications in Business Notification

  1. PMDS Prescribed Consent List Download Notification

  2. Withdrawal of Prescribed Consent List Download Notification

### Bug Fixes

* Fixed the error when credit report download to share folder

* Added missing logics on downloading the PMDS credit report to share folder

* Fixed bugs in File Management for the following requests:

  1. Report Enquiry Request

  2. Historical Message Resend Request

* Fixed incorrect participant code `pt_code` that supplied to download PMDS prescribed consent list and withdrawal of prescribed consent list

### Improvements

### Other Changes

Download 1.8.0

Download 1.8.0-RELEASE.txt

Be careful the BREAKING change need to applied to database schema before applying patch. And please check the DB name before apply database schema


email-templates please unzip and place on the ${baseDir}(same place with crp-gateway-1.8.0.jar)

if you alrealy download,please download and take submission.error.noti.etpl and place on email-templates



# CRP Gateway


> v1.8.0

### Upgrade Steps

* Refer to CRP Gateway Patching Guide v1.0 or above

### New Features

* According to the release of AIDG v1.5, the changes are as follows:

  1. Deprecate the REP (Replace) in File Action


  3. Added Report Type *A1*, *A4* in PMDS Credit Report Download Notifcation

* File Management to send API to CRP

### Bug Fixes

* Fix older version will occasionally stucked in dead-loop on replying PMDS Prescribed Consent List Download Notifcation

### Improvements

* Allow multiple default CRAs to be configured in Gateway Configuration for TUEF files that do not align our naming convention in SFTP channel

* Handle displaying more system error message during data submission upload

* Displaying the error details when converting CSV to TUDF / TUEF

* Show approver for data submission and credit report enquiry

* Added template and triggers on sending email when data submission error

### Other Changes

* Application license capabilities

Download 1.7.1

Download 1.7.1-RELEASE.txt

This version handle CRA return multiple certificate issue,and it is need to input the 1.7.0 sql if you have not upgrade 1.7.0 version


# CRP Gateway


> v1.7.1

### Upgrade Steps

* Refer to CRP Gateway Patching Guide v1.0 or above

### New Features

### Bug Fixes

* Fix the error when multiple valid encryption certificates is available for single CRA

### Improvements

### Other Changes

Download 1.7.0

Download 1.7.0-RELEASE.txt

Be careful the BREAKING change need to applied to database schema before applying patch. And please check the DB name before apply database schema


# CRP Gateway
> v1.7.0

### Upgrade Steps
* Refer to CRP Gateway Patching Guide v1.0 or above

### New Features
* Add search filter "Action Type" in **Data Submission History**
* Allowed partial search with "Submitted File Name (Internal)"

### Bug Fixes
* Pagination will reset when searching filters apply or reset
* Fix incorrect results when filtering with "Submitted File Name (Internal)"
* Fix *unable to delete user* bug if user changed password before
* Fix Credit Report not downloading to Share Folder bug

### Improvements
* Display *ICL Upload Response* for **Data Submission**, i.e. Success, Incorrect File Format, etc.
* Display *File Format* for uploaded file in **Data Submission**
* Update the following labels to avoid confusion:
  1. "File Name" → "File Name (External)" and,
  2. "Submitted File Name" → "Submitted File Name (Internal)"
* Display Duplicated File Name Error during **Initial Data Load**
* Remove the unused *File Format* in **Initial Data Load**
* Enable options on showing the input on **Password** Fields

### Other Changes

Download 1.6.6

Download 1.6.6-RELEASE.txt

# CRP Gateway


> v1.6.6

### Upgrade Steps

* Refer to CRP Gateway Patching Guide v1.0 or above

### New Features

### Bug Fixes

* Fixed probably "Internal Server Error" during listing in Upload History due to memory exceed

### Improvements

* Performance improve on hibernate's limitation on large object retrieve from database

### Other Changes

Download 1.6.5

Download 1.6.5-RELEASE.txt

# CRP Gateway


> v1.6.5

### Upgrade Steps

* Refer to CRP Gateway Patching Guide v1.0 or above

### New Features

### Bug Fixes

* Fixed probably "Internal Server Error" during listing in Upload History due to memory exceed

### Improvements

* Performance improve on hibernate's limitation on large object retrieve from database

### Other Changes

Download 1.6.4


# CRP Gateway


> v1.6.4

### Upgrade Steps

* Refer to CRP Gateway Patching Guide v1.0 or above

### New Features

### Bug Fixes

* Fix downloading the uploaded files that not unzipping as expected

### Improvements

### Other Changes

* Add the buttons in System Service for health checking calls to internal OAuth Server and CRP

Download 1.6.3


# CRP Gateway


> v1.6.3

### Upgrade Steps

* Refer to CRP Gateway Patching Guide v1.0 or above

### New Features

* Manual API for requesting CRP to resend historical messages

### Bug Fixes

* Fix the file format OTHER with inconsistency definition between AIDG v1.4 and Functional Specification v1.4

### Improvements

* Added path filtering on listing for local SFTP services

### Other Changes

Download 1.6.2

# CRP Gateway


> v1.6.2

### Upgrade Steps

* Refer to CRP Gateway Patching Guide v1.0 or above

### New Features

* Local SFTP Service

  > Start the application with profile **local-sftp**

### Bug Fixes

* Fix incorrect breadcrumb title in portal

* Fix SFTP file reading issue

### Improvements

* Add additional checking on download files from CRP

### Other Changes

* Added API for OAuth2 connection test

Be careful the BREAKING change need to applied to database schema before applying patch. And please check the DB name before apply database schema


Download 1.6.1



# CRP Gateway


> v1.6.1

### Upgrade Steps

* Refer to CRP Gateway Patching Guide v1.0 or above

### New Features

* SMTP Service Integration

  > DCR Receive Notification

  > PMDS Prescribed Consent List Receive Notification

  > PMDS Withdrawal of Prescribed Consent List Receive Notification

### Bug Fixes

* Fix incorrect logics when handling DCR download notification 

### Improvements

### Other Changes

* Testing API capability for Production Rollout (Listing CRA)

Be careful the BREAKING change need to applied to database schema before applying patch. And please check the DB name before apply database schema


# CRP Gateway


> v1.6.0.1

### Upgrade Steps

* Refer to CRP Gateway Patching Guide v1.0 or above

### New Features

### Bug Fixes

* Hoc fix for Gateway Configuration Bugs

### Improvements

### Other Changes

# CRP Gateway


> v1.6.0

### Upgrade Steps

* Refer to CRP Gateway Patching Guide v1.0 or above

### New Features

* API for trigger scheduled tasks explicitly

  > POST /api/v1/crp-service/scheduler<br>

  > Content-Type: application/json<br>

  > <br>

  > {"target": \<target\>}

      Target Values:














### Bug Fixes

### Improvements

* Activity Log will log more details on user management changes, targeted for Audit Trail

* Masking the **OAuth2 Secret** and **Message Signing Key** before responding to UI

* Support searching file upload request history with upload ID

* Gateway Configuration Enhancement

  1. Added hints in input placeholder

  2. Dropdown for boolean fields

### Other Changes

No SQL scripts is required to be executed before applying 1.5.5 patch

Download 1.5.5

# CRP Gateway


> v1.5.5

### Upgrade Steps

* Refer to CRP Gateway Patching Guide v1.0 or above

### New Features

* Activity Log will record the login and logout activities

* Export function in Activity Logs

* Export functions in User Management

* Export all function in Gateway Configuration

### Bug Fixes

* Handle the Common Response returned from CRP when downloading file from CRP

* Handle the timezone when truncating the Date for SQL query

* Approval request details for initial data load

### Improvements

* Extends default log max history to 90 days and file size to 30MB

* Added "Original File Name" in approval request details for data file upload requests

### Other Changes

Be careful the BREAKING change need to applied to database schema before applying patch. And please check the DB name before apply database schema

Download 1.5.4

# CRP Gateway


> v1.5.4

### Upgrade Steps

* Refer to CRP Gateway Patching Guide v1.0 or above

### New Features

### Bug Fixes

* Fix bugs in initial data load with Windows' browsers on file type checking

* Fix downloading uploaded file for initial data load will not be decompressed

* Fix maker-checker process will trigger internal server error (500) when approval request ID is exceed length limit

### Improvements

* Caching the static resources to improve loading time

### Other Changes

Be careful the BREAKING change need to applied to database schema before applying patch. And please check the DB name before apply database schema


Download 1.5.3


> v1.5.3

### Upgrade Steps

* Refer to CRP Gateway Patching Guide v1.0 or above

### New Features

* Add "Preview" in CRP System Report (since v1.5.2)

* Add "Original File Name" in search filter for file upload requests

### Bug Fixes

* Additional decompressing logic when downloading the DCR file, will not decompress for filename with extension .zip

* Checking the uploaded file extension for initial data load when browser failed to read the file type

### Improvements

* Display "Original File Name" of the upload file to CRP Gateway Portal

* Update the login page with displaying the system name and entity name

### Other Changes

Be careful the BREAKING change need to applied to database schema before applying patch. And please check the DB name before apply database schema


Download 1.5.2

# CRP Gateway


> v1.5.2

### Upgrade Steps

* Refer to CRP Gateway Patching Guide v1.0 or above

### New Features

* Password Policy

    - Add configuration for number of historical passwords check

    - Add configuration for validity days of the password to expire

    - Add expiry date display in user details

* Activity Log

* CRP Service

    - Initial Data Load

### Bug Fixes

* Fix the date filter in search with incorrect behaviours

* The DCR file downloaded in DCR Download Notification will be unexpectedly decompressed when downloading

### Improvements

* Change password page will get username from server instead of manual input

* Pagination display update

### Other Changes

* Refactor the dependencies of the modules

Be careful the BREAKING change need to applied to database schema before applying patch. And please check the DB name before apply database schema


Download 1.5.1

# CRP Gateway


> v1.5.1

### Upgrade Steps

* Refer to CRP Gateway Patching Guide v1.0 or above

### New Features

* CRP Services

    - CRP System Report

* SFTP Integration

### Bug Fixes

* TU Converter incorrect checking logics on TUDF Name Segment no address constraint

### Improvements

### Other Changes

Be careful the BREAKING change need to applied to database schema before applying patch. And please check the DB name before apply database schema


Download 1.5.0

# CRP Gateway
> v1.5.0

### Upgrade Steps
* Refer to CRP Gateway Patching Guide v1.0 or above

### New Features
* Approval Modules
* CRP Services
- CRP System Report (Backend Support)

### Bug Fixes
* Decompress the downloaded File from Business Notification Centre for DCR Download Notification and Data File Download Notification
* Handling the zipped files with directory inside (NOVA), not showing the supplementary list if failed on unzipping the report archive (PMDS Credit Report Enquiry)
* TU files converter fixed the blank submission type issue
* Allow file upload size larger than 1MB

### Improvements

### Other Changes

> v1.4.6

### Upgrade Steps
* Refer to CRP Gateway Patching Guide v1.0 or above (To download, please go to the bottom of this site)

### New Features

### Bug Fixes
* Handling the zipped files with directory inside (NOVA), not showing the supplementary list if failed on unzipping the report archive
* Fix incorrect default file extension when downloading files from CRP Gateway portal
* Fix change password page submit button not responsible

### Improvements
* Display creation date-time for responses and report download notification received date-time
* Show DCR Reminder Notification that mapped to corresponding DCR Message
* Show error messages when downloading if there are any errors

### Other Changes
* Change username validation rules on minimum length from 6 to 1
* Skip tests on decompressing the credit report archive and return empty file list if the archive cannot be decompressed
* Refactor user security login components and logics

Be careful the BREAKING change need to applied to database schema before applying patch. And please check the DB name before apply database schema


# CRP Gateway
> v1.4.5

### Upgrade Steps
* Refer to CRP Gateway Patching Guide v1.0 or above

### New Features
* Business Notification
- Reply Data Correction Request (DCR)
* Allow configure IP address subnets whitelist on accessing portal

### Bug Fixes
* Fix returned participants list containing the CLOSED participant
* Fix creationDatetime incorrect searching criteria

### Improvements
* Outward Message (to CRP) Construction Logics
* Logging on Replying CRP Messages
* Allow self-signed SSL certificate of OAuth2 server
* Rename titles in detail modals in UI for the following
- Data Submission
- Credit Report Enquiry
- PMDS Data Submission
- PMDS Credit Report Enquiry

### Other Changes